A n amazing alchemy happens when you culture (ferment) foods. Foods become easy to digest, vitamins increase, enzymes abound, antibiotic and anti-carcinogenic substances are produced and lactic acid (a major by-product of the fermentation process) feeds the micro-flora in our intestines where they stimulate the production of vitamin K and the B vitamins that our bodies need for good health. Our intestines are 70% of our immune system. When we feed our friendly micro flora we are building a strong immune system.
Nut cheezes are delicious and easy to make. A cheez is made by breaking open several probiotic pills, stirring it into the cheez, to use as a starter. You can flavor cheezes with herbs, spices, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, capers and much more. Be creative. Nut cheezes become a beautiful work of edible art when decorated with edible flowers. As you prepare this beautiful culinary creation; sing, dance, laugh! In this way you add your divine energy to your cheez, nourishing yourself and everyone who you share this edible art with!
To the Chef: Any nut can be made into a cheez but first they must be soaked in water to release their enzyme inhibitors and natural pesticides. Soaking Times for Nuts: White nuts, such as pine nuts, macadamia and cashews; soak 3 hours. Almonds and other large nuts; soak 12 to 24 hours. After soaking drain, discard soaking water and rinse well. Use this recipe to make a variety of nut cheezes. Just substitute the mac nuts for the nut of your choice. Vary the seasonings as you are inspired. Edible Flower Suggestions: calendula, chive flowers, jasmine, pansy and marigolds.
Equipment Needed: Mac Nut Cheez; food processor with the S-shaped blade, cheese cloth, large mesh strainer and a weight such as a jar of beans or a clean rock. Seasoning; medium mixing bowl. For An Artful Presentation; a medium sized decorative plate.
Mac Nut Cheezz
3 cups macadamia nuts or other nut (see above, Tips to the Chef)
1 cup water, more or less (it will vary with each nut)
1 teaspoon probiotic powder (2-3 capsules)
½ cup thinly sliced chives
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon organic onion powder
1 teaspoon sea salt or Himalayan pink crystal salt
For An Artful Presentation
5-10 edible flowers, petals only (see above, Tips to the Chef)
Mac Nut Cheez
In a food processor, with the “S” shaped blade, put the soaked nuts and some of the water and process until smooth. Add more water as needed until the mixture flows freely through the blade. Add the probiotic powder and pulse until mixed well. Put the nut mixture into a bowl and cover it.
Let the covered nut mixture sit in a warm part of your kitchen (about 72°) for 24 hours or longer. The longer it sits, the more sour it will become.
In a medium mixing bowl, put the fermented nut mixture, add Seasoning and stir to mix well.
For an Artful Presentation
Shape cheez into a log or a ball shape. Put on a medium sized decorative plate. Refrigerate until chilled, about 1 hour. Just before serving, press small edible flower petals, of several colors, all around the surface of the cheez log or ball.
Serving Ideas: Serve Mac Nut Cheez on Sweet Onion Breads, spread on flax crackers or rolled-up in a Garden Salad Wrap (a salad wrapped in a warm sprouted grain tortilla).
How to Store: Store, without the flowers, in a covered glass container in the refrigerator for up to a week. |