Tri-Tonic Tea … An Introduction to Tonic Herbs!


Tri-Tonic Tea

I am so inspired by the power of tonic herbs that I want to share this simple recipe for making a basic tonic tea. Tonic herbs are the superior herbs. They have the magic to heal and build. To be categorized as a tonic herb, an herb must be safe to take on a daily basis without any negative accumulative affects. Tonic herbs give a feeling of calm and balance. Please enjoy this Tri-Tonic Tea with its sweet, earthy taste and immune building properties. As you sip this tonic tea, feel the blessing of each herb and the gifts they each bring. They are a gift from nature to your good health.

To the Chef: Get to know the tonic herbs. Tonic herbs can be found around the world in herbalism. You can mix and match herbs from different herbal traditions. Goji Berries are the number one herb in Chinese medicine. Their place of origin is the high altitude areas of the Himalayans of Nepal and Tibet. Gojies are known as the happy berry and are said to increase longevity. They are a complete protein containing all 8 essential amino acids.  Gojies round out formulas giving them a sweet flavor. Pau d’ Arco is an Amazonian rainforest herb. It has anti-fungal and immune building properties. It’s name means the archer and has properties that promotes flexibility.  Chaga, king of the medicinal mushrooms, is folk medicine of Russia, Poland, China and many Baltic countries. It also grows in cold northern areas of the Americas. Chaga grows on living Birch trees as well as other northern varieties of trees including apple trees. It is said to preserve ones youth and promotes longevity. Chaga is used to treat stomach, liver and heart conditions. Chaga is high in anti-oxidants.

Equipment Needed: 5 quart electric pot with temperature control, a crock pot or a regular pot (no aluminum), large mesh strainer, jars for storing tea.

            ½ -1 cup goji berries

            ½ cup Pau d’ Arco bark

            ½ – 3 teaspoons Chaga mushroom powder (to be added to individual servings)

Put the Goji berries, Pau d’ Arco bark and 2 quarts of spring or filtered water in a 5 quart electric pot with temperature control set at 170°F for 3 ½ hours, or a crock pot set on a low setting (use a thermometer to find a temperature around 170°F) and cook for 3 ½ hours, or use a 5 quart pot to be cooked on top a stove at a low simmer for 1 hour.

Strain the tea and set aside.

In the same pot, return the herbs, add another 2 quarts of spring or filtered water and cook in the same manner as before.

Strain the tea and add it to the first batch of tea. Pour it into jars, cover with lids and refrigerate.

How to Serve: In a small sauce pan, pour a cup of the tea, add ½ teaspoon to 3 teaspoons of Chaga mushroom powder and heat to a comfortable temperature. If you have kept your tea at 170°F then do not heat above this temperature. Drink as is or add a nut mylk or coconut mylk. Drink 1 to 6 cups of tea each day.

How to Store: Store in covered glass containers in the refrigerator for up to a week.

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